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Sending You Some Care 🖤

We know it's been a little while since we said hi, but you've been in our hearts and minds. We hope you and yours are finding time for self-care, levity, and calm amid all the change in the world. With that said, we have some news to share with you!

This summer, we finished our three-month DFV Thinks series about COVID-19, mental health awareness, and PTSD. If you want to watch them all again, you can find them now here.

We also released, Adventure Castle: Quarantine: Trapped in the Lab, an animated short to help kids and families who may be holding anxiety about returning to school, quarantine, and/or change. It's a fun, empowering story for those in your lives who may need some extra support.

Speaking of extra support, we've created a set of digital Care Cards to send to your loved ones and besties to let them know they are not alone. A mix of current themes and whimsical images, they are sure to bring smiles to those who may need one. We've shared three below, and the whole set is available on our website.

More than ever, we believe in the mission of Drawn from Valor. If you know someone who could use a boost, please consider sending them our way on our social media (@drawnfromvalor on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter) or through this newsletter. If you'd like to get more involved, please consider joining us as a volunteer, as a Patron on Patreon, or through a donation, one-time or recurring. Our doors are always open; you are not alone!

Be safe and stay well. We're thinking of you, now and always. 💜

Susie Dicker

Executive Director


Between April and June, our team created and released nearly 60 new resources about COVID-19, Mental Health Awareness Month, and PTSD Awareness Month through our DfV Thinks series, an extraordinary feat in such a short time. Here is one our favorites. Enjoy!



Adventure Castle is a school where innovation is magic, and social-emotional learning, health and curiosity make S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) even stronger. Follow Ashley and Audie when their lab goes on lockdown during an experiment; they learn about long days, anxiety, and how friendship can unlock even the toughest situations!



In a world filled with new normals and social distances, our new free digital Care Cards are a way to let your loved ones know, "You are not alone; I am still here." Download and share these, or for the entire set, click here. You can tag us on social media with #DFVCareCards. (And, although they're free, if you'd like to make a donation for them, we wouldn't be mad at that!) 🖤


MOMENTS OF KINDNESS From September 1st through September 21st, we participated in the Born this Way Foundation's (BTW) #BeKind21 challenge. Created by Lady Gaga, the BTW #BeKind21 campaign encouraged people to do at least one act of kindness for 21 days. Here were some of our favorite ideas:

  • Do something kind for the environment

  • Surprise a loved one with a phone call or Care Card

  • Turn off your mobile device for half a day

Although the official challenge has ended, we still love the intent! Is there an act of kindness you've seen, received, or done yourself? Email us or tag us with #DFVKind! We'd love to hear about and share it!


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